array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'content') . '/includes/views/handlers', ), 'handlers' => array( // argument handlers 'content_handler_argument' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_argument', ), 'content_handler_argument_string' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_argument_string', ), 'content_handler_argument_numeric' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_argument_numeric', ), 'content_handler_argument_reference' => array( 'parent' => 'content_handler_argument_numeric', ), 'content_handler_argument_many_to_one' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_argument_many_to_one', ), // field handlers 'content_handler_field' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_field_node', ), 'content_handler_field_multiple' => array( 'parent' => 'content_handler_field', ), // filter handlers 'content_handler_filter_string' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_filter_string', ), 'content_handler_filter_numeric' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_filter_numeric', ), 'content_handler_filter_float' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_filter_float', ), 'content_handler_filter_many_to_one' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_filter_many_to_one', ), // relationship handlers 'content_handler_relationship' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_relationship', ), // sort handlers 'content_handler_sort' => array( 'parent' => 'views_handler_sort', ), ), ); } /** * Implementation of hook_views_plugins. * * Defines some plugins used by the Views modes for * nodereference and userreference. */ function content_views_plugins() { $plugins = array( 'module' => 'content', // This just tells our themes are elsewhere. 'display' => array( 'content_simple' => array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'content') . '/includes/views/handlers', // Those strings are not translated for now. // We'll need to change that if / when we remove 'no ui' 'title' => 'Simple', // TODO: better name ? (currently not displayed anyway) 'help' => 'Destination-agnostic display. Mostly useful for programmatic views.', 'handler' => 'content_plugin_display_simple', 'no ui' => TRUE, // Programmatic use only. 'uses hook menu' => FALSE, 'use ajax' => FALSE, 'use pager' => FALSE, 'accept attachments' => FALSE, ), 'content_references' => array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'content') . '/includes/views/handlers', // Those strings are not translated for now. // We'll need to change that if / when we remove 'no ui' 'title' => 'Simple - for reference fields', // TODO: better name ? (currently not displayed anyway) 'help' => 'Destination-agnostic display. Mostly useful for programmatic views.', 'parent' => 'content_simple', 'handler' => 'content_plugin_display_references', 'no ui' => TRUE, // Programmatic use only. 'uses hook menu' => FALSE, 'use ajax' => FALSE, 'use pager' => FALSE, 'accept attachments' => FALSE, ), ), 'style' => array( 'content_php_array_autocomplete' => array( 'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'content') . '/includes/views/handlers', // Those strings are not translated for now. // We'll need to change that if / when we remove 'no ui' 'title' => 'Results array (with title)', 'help' => 'Returns the view as a PHP array of names + rendered rows.', 'handler' => 'content_plugin_style_php_array_ac', 'no ui' => TRUE, // Programmatic use only. 'uses row plugin' => TRUE, 'uses fields' => TRUE, 'type' => 'content_simple', 'even empty' => TRUE, ), ), ); return $plugins; } /** * Implementation of hook_views_data(). * * Exposes all fields to the views system. */ function content_views_data() { $data = array(); foreach (content_fields() as $field) { $module = $field['module']; $result = (array) module_invoke($module, 'field_settings', 'views data', $field); drupal_alter('field_settings', $result, 'views data', $field); if (empty($result)) { $result = content_views_field_views_data($field); } if (is_array($result)) { $data = array_merge($data, $result); } } return $data; } function content_views_field_views_data($field) { $field_types = _content_field_types(); // Check the field module is available. // TODO: is this really how we should do it ? if (isset($field_types[$field['type']])) { $db_info = content_database_info($field); // Field modules that do not store data in the database // should not create views data tables. if (empty($db_info['columns'])) { return; } $table_alias = content_views_tablename($field); $types = array(); foreach (content_types() as $type) { if (isset($type['fields'][$field['field_name']])) { // TODO : run check_plain here instead of on the imploded string below ? $types[] = $type['name']; } } $data = array(); $data['table']['group'] = t('Content'); $data['table']['join']['node'] = array( 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'left_field' => 'vid', 'field' => 'vid', ); $data['table']['join']['node_revisions'] = array( 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'left_field' => 'vid', 'field' => 'vid', ); // Build the list of columns enabled for default views integration. $db_columns = array(); $additional_fields = array(); foreach ($db_info['columns'] as $column => $attributes) { // Select explicitly enabled field columns. if (!empty($attributes['views'])) { $db_columns[$column] = $attributes; } // Ensure all columns are retrieved. $additional_fields[$attributes['column']] = $attributes['column']; } // Pick up the first column when none has been explicitly enabled // (pre CCK 2.2 backwards compatibility). if (empty($db_columns)) { // Can't use array_slice(), it won't work in PHP4 for assoc array. foreach ($db_info['columns'] as $column => $attributes) { $db_columns[$column] = $attributes; break; } } $columns = array(); $db_fields = array(); $arguments = array(); $filters = array(); foreach ($db_columns as $column => $attributes) { $columns[] = $column; $db_fields[] = $attributes['column']; $sorts[] = !empty($attributes['sortable']) ? TRUE : FALSE; // Identify likely filters and arguments for each column based on field type. switch ($attributes['type']) { case 'int': case 'mediumint': case 'tinyint': case 'bigint': case 'serial': $filters[] = 'content_handler_filter_numeric'; $arguments[] = 'content_handler_argument_numeric'; break; case 'numeric': case 'float': $filters[] = 'content_handler_filter_float'; $arguments[] = 'content_handler_argument_numeric'; break; case 'text': case 'blob': // TODO add markup handlers for these types default: $filters[] = 'content_handler_filter_string'; $arguments[] = 'content_handler_argument_string'; break; } } // Provide automatic filters, sorts, and arguments for each column, not just the first. $db_fields_count = count($db_fields); foreach ($db_fields as $i => $db_field) { $label_truncated = truncate_utf8(t($field['widget']['label']), 10, TRUE); if ($db_fields_count == 1) { $title = t('@label (!name)', array('@label' => t($field['widget']['label']), '!name' => $field['field_name'])); $title_short = check_plain($label_truncated); } else { $title = t('@label (!name) - !column', array('@label' => t($field['widget']['label']), '!name' => $field['field_name'], '!column' => $columns[$i])); $title_short = t('@label-truncated - !column', array('@label-truncated' => $label_truncated, '!column' => $columns[$i])); } $data[$db_field] = array( 'group' => t('Content'), 'title' => $title, 'title short' => $title_short, 'help' => t($field_types[$field['type']]['label']) .' - '. t('Appears in: @types', array('@types' => implode(', ', $types))), ); if ($i == 0) { $data[$db_field]['field'] = array( 'title' => t('@label (!name)', array('@label' => t($field['widget']['label']), '!name' => $field['field_name'])), 'title short' => check_plain($label_truncated), 'field' => $db_field, 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'handler' => 'content_handler_field_multiple', 'click sortable' => $sorts[$i], 'additional fields' => $additional_fields, 'content_field_name' => $field['field_name'], 'access callback' => 'content_access', 'access arguments' => array('view', $field), ); } $data[$db_field]['argument'] = array( 'field' => $db_field, 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'handler' => $arguments[$i], 'additional fields' => $additional_fields, 'content_field_name' => $field['field_name'], 'empty field name' => t(''), ); $data[$db_field]['filter'] = array( 'field' => $db_field, 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'handler' => $filters[$i], 'additional fields' => $additional_fields, 'content_field_name' => $field['field_name'], 'allow empty' => TRUE, ); if (!empty($sorts[$i])) { $data[$db_field]['sort'] = array( 'field' => $db_field, 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'handler' => 'content_handler_sort', 'additional fields' => $additional_fields, 'content_field_name' => $field['field_name'], ); } } // Expose additional delta column for multiple value fields. if ($field['multiple']) { $title = t('@label (!name) - delta', array('@label' => t($field['widget']['label']), '!name' => $field['field_name'])); $title_short = t('@label-truncated - delta', array('@label-truncated' => $label_truncated)); $db_field = 'delta'; $data[$db_field] = array( 'group' => t('Content'), 'title' => $title, 'title short' => $title_short, 'help' => t('Delta - Appears in: @types', array('@types' => implode(', ', $types))), ); $data[$db_field]['field'] = array( 'title' => $title, 'title short' => $title_short, 'field' => $db_field, 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'handler' => 'views_handler_field_numeric', 'click sortable' => TRUE, 'additional fields' => $additional_fields, 'access callback' => 'content_access', 'access arguments' => array('view', $field), ); $data[$db_field]['argument'] = array( 'field' => $db_field, 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'handler' => 'views_handler_argument_numeric', 'additional fields' => $additional_fields, 'empty field name' => t(''), ); $data[$db_field]['filter'] = array( 'field' => $db_field, 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'handler' => 'views_handler_filter_numeric', 'additional fields' => $additional_fields, 'allow empty' => TRUE, ); $data[$db_field]['sort'] = array( 'field' => $db_field, 'table' => $db_info['table'], 'handler' => 'views_handler_sort', 'additional fields' => $additional_fields, ); } return array($table_alias => $data); } } /** * Helper function so it is possible to change the Views tablename * in the future without re-writing code. */ function content_views_tablename($field) { return 'node_data_'. $field['field_name']; } function theme_content_view_multiple_field($items, $field, $values) { $output = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { if (!empty($item) || $item == '0') { $output .= '
'. $item .'
'; $i++; } } return $output; }