'. t('You can add a field to a group by dragging it below and to the right of the group.'); } if (!module_exists('advanced_help')) { $vars['help'] .= '
' . t('Note: Installing the Advanced help module will let you access more and better help.', array('!adv_help' => 'http://drupal.org/project/advanced_help')); } $order = _content_overview_order($form, $form['#field_rows'], $form['#group_rows']); $rows = array(); // Identify the 'new item' keys in the form, they look like // _add_new_field, add_new_group. $keys = array_keys($form); $add_rows = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (substr($key, 0, 4) == '_add') { $add_rows[] = $key; } } while ($order) { $key = reset($order); $element = &$form[$key]; // Only display the 'Add' separator if the 'add' rows are still // at the end of the table. if (!isset($added_separator)) { $remaining_rows = array_diff($order, $add_rows); if (empty($remaining_rows) && empty($element['#depth'])) { $row = new stdClass(); $row->row_type = 'separator'; $row->class = 'tabledrag-leaf region'; $rows[] = $row; $added_separator = TRUE; } } $row = new stdClass(); // Add target classes for the tabledrag behavior. $element['weight']['#attributes']['class'] = 'field-weight'; $element['parent']['#attributes']['class'] = 'group-parent'; $element['hidden_name']['#attributes']['class'] = 'field-name'; // Add target classes for the update selects behavior. switch ($element['#row_type']) { case 'add_new_field': $element['type']['#attributes']['class'] = 'content-field-type-select'; $element['widget_type']['#attributes']['class'] = 'content-widget-type-select'; break; case 'add_existing_field': $element['field_name']['#attributes']['class'] = 'content-field-select'; $element['widget_type']['#attributes']['class'] = 'content-widget-type-select'; $element['label']['#attributes']['class'] = 'content-label-textfield'; break; } foreach (element_children($element) as $child) { $row->{$child} = drupal_render($element[$child]); } $row->label_class = 'label-'. strtr($element['#row_type'], '_', '-'); $row->row_type = $element['#row_type']; $row->indentation = theme('indentation', isset($element['#depth']) ? $element['#depth'] : 0); $row->class = 'draggable'; $row->class .= isset($element['#disabled_row']) ? ' menu-disabled' : ''; $row->class .= isset($element['#add_new']) ? ' content-add-new' : ''; $row->class .= isset($element['#leaf']) ? ' tabledrag-leaf' : ''; $row->class .= isset($element['#root']) ? ' tabledrag-root' : ''; $rows[] = $row; array_shift($order); } $vars['rows'] = $rows; $vars['submit'] = drupal_render($form); // Add tabledrag behavior. // drupal_add_tabledrag('content-field-overview', 'match', 'parent', 'group-parent', 'group-parent', 'field-name', FALSE, 1); drupal_add_tabledrag('content-field-overview', 'match', 'parent', 'group-parent', 'group-parent', 'field-name', TRUE, 1); // drupal_add_tabledrag('content-field-overview', 'order', 'sibling', 'field-weight', NULL, NULL, FALSE); drupal_add_tabledrag('content-field-overview', 'order', 'sibling', 'field-weight'); // Add settings for the update selects behavior. $js_fields = array(); foreach (array_keys(content_existing_field_options($form['#type_name'])) as $field_name) { $field = content_fields($field_name); $js_fields[$field_name] = array('label' => $field['widget']['label'], 'type' => $field['type'], 'widget' => $field['widget']['type']); } drupal_add_js(array('contentWidgetTypes' => content_widget_type_options(), 'contentFields' => $js_fields), 'setting'); drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'content') .'/content.js'); } /** * Theme preprocess function for content-admin-display-overview-form.tpl.php. */ function template_preprocess_content_display_overview_form(&$vars) { $form = &$vars['form']; $contexts_selector = $form['#contexts']; $vars['basic'] = $contexts_selector == 'basic'; $vars['contexts'] = content_build_modes($contexts_selector); if ($contexts_selector == 'basic') { $help = t("Configure how this content type's fields and field labels should be displayed when it's viewed in teaser and full-page mode."); } else { $help = t("Configure how this content type's fields should be displayed when it's rendered in the following contexts."); } $help .= ' '. t("Use the 'Exclude' checkbox to exclude an item from the !content value passed to the node template.", array('!content' => '$content')); $vars['help'] = $help; $order = _content_overview_order($form, $form['#fields'], $form['#groups']); if (empty($order)) { $vars['rows'] = array(); $vars['submit'] = ''; return; } $rows = array(); foreach ($order as $key) { $element = &$form[$key]; $row = new stdClass(); foreach (element_children($element) as $child) { if (!array_key_exists('exclude', $element[$child])) { $row->{$child} = drupal_render($element[$child]); } else { $row->{$child}->format = drupal_render($element[$child]['format']); $row->{$child}->exclude = drupal_render($element[$child]['exclude']); } } $row->label_class = in_array($key, $form['#groups']) ? 'label-group' : 'label-field'; $row->indentation = theme('indentation', isset($element['#depth']) ? $element['#depth'] : 0); $rows[] = $row; } $vars['rows'] = $rows; $vars['submit'] = drupal_render($form); }