; $Id: ctools.help.ini,v 2010/06/10 20:46:25 merlinofchaos Exp $ [advanced help settings] line break = TRUE [about] title = About Chaos Tool Suite weight = -100 [context] title = Context tool weight = -40 [context-access] title = Context based access control plugins parent = context [context-context] title = Context plugins parent = context [context-arguments] title = Argument plugins parent = context [context-relationships] title = Relationship plugins parent = context [context-content] title = Content plugins parent = context [css] title = CSS scrubbing and caching tool [menu] title = Miscellaneous menu helper tool [plugins] title = Plugins and APIs tool weight = -50 [plugins-api] title = Implementing APIs parent = plugins [plugins-creating] title = Creating plugins parent = plugins [plugins-implementing] title = Implementing plugins parent = plugins [export] title = Exportable objects tool [export-ui] title = Exportable objects UI creator [form] title = Form tools [wizard] title = Form wizard tool [ajax] title = AJAX and Javascript helper tools weight = -30 [modal] title = Javascript modal tool parent = ajax [collapsible-div] title = Javascript collapsible DIV parent = ajax [dropdown] title = Javascript dropdown parent = ajax [dependent] title = Dependent checkboxes and radio buttons parent = ajax [object-cache] title = Temporary object caching ; A bunch of this stuff we'll put in panels. [plugins-content] title = Creating content type plugins parent = panels%api