t('Node'), 'single' => TRUE, 'defaults' => array( 'nid' => '', 'links' => TRUE, 'leave_node_title' => FALSE, 'identifier' => '', 'build_mode' => 'teaser', ), 'title' => t('Existing node'), 'icon' => 'icon_node.png', 'description' => t('Add a node from your site as content.'), 'category' => t('Custom'), 'top level' => TRUE, 'js' => array('misc/autocomplete.js'), ); /** * Output function for the 'node' content type. * * Outputs a node based on the module and delta supplied in the configuration. */ function ctools_node_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args) { $nid = $conf['nid']; $block = new stdClass(); foreach (explode('/', $_GET['q']) as $id => $arg) { $nid = str_replace("%$id", $arg, $nid); } foreach ($panel_args as $id => $arg) { if (is_string($arg)) { $nid = str_replace("@$id", $arg, $nid); } } // Support node translation if (module_exists('translation')) { if ($translations = module_invoke('translation', 'node_get_translations', $nid)) { if ($translations[$GLOBALS['language']->language]) { $nid = $translations[$GLOBALS['language']->language]->nid; } } } if (!is_numeric($nid)) { return; } $node = node_load($nid); if (!node_access('view', $node)) { return; } if (node_access('update', $node)) { $block->admin_links['update'] = array( 'title' => t('Edit node'), 'alt' => t("Edit this node"), 'href' => "node/$node->nid/edit", 'query' => drupal_get_destination(), ); } $block->module = 'node'; $block->delta = $node->nid; if (!empty($conf['link_node_title'])) { $block->title = l($node->title, 'node/' . $node->nid); } else { $block->title = check_plain($node->title); } if (empty($conf['leave_node_title'])) { $node->title = NULL; } if (!empty($conf['identifier'])) { $node->panel_identifier = $conf['identifier']; } // Handle existing configurations with the deprecated 'teaser' option. if (isset($conf['teaser'])) { $conf['build_mode'] = $conf['teaser'] ? 'teaser' : 'full'; } if (!isset($node->build_mode)) { $node->build_mode = ($conf['build_mode'] == 'teaser' || $conf['build_mode'] == 'full') ? NODE_BUILD_NORMAL : $conf['build_mode']; } $block->content = node_view($node, $conf['build_mode'] == 'teaser', FALSE, $conf['links']); return $block; } /** * The form to add or edit a node as content. */ function ctools_node_content_type_edit_form(&$form, &$form_state) { $conf = $form_state['conf']; $form['leave_node_title'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => !empty($conf['leave_node_title']), '#title' => t('Leave node title'), '#description' => t('Advanced: if checked, do not touch the node title; this can cause the node title to appear twice unless your theme is aware of this.'), ); $form['link_node_title'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => !empty($conf['link_node_title']), '#title' => t('Link the node title to the node'), '#description' => t('Check this box if you would like your pane title to link to the node.'), ); if ($form_state['op'] == 'add') { $form['nid'] = array( '#prefix' => '
', '#title' => t('Enter the title or NID of a node'), '#description' => t('To use a NID from the URL, you may use %0, %1, ..., %N to get URL arguments. Or use @0, @1, @2, ..., @N to use arguments passed into the panel.'), '#type' => 'textfield', '#maxlength' => 512, '#autocomplete_path' => 'ctools/autocomplete/node', '#weight' => -10, '#suffix' => '
', ); } else { $form['nid'] = array( '#type' => 'value', '#value' => $conf['nid'], ); } $form['links'] = array( '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $conf['links'], '#title' => t('Include node links for "add comment", "read more" etc.'), ); $form['identifier'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#default_value' => !empty($conf['identifier']) ? $conf['identifier'] : '', '#title' => t('Template identifier'), '#description' => t('This identifier will be added as a template suggestion to display this node: node-panel-IDENTIFIER.tpl.php. Please see the Drupal theming guide for information about template suggestions.'), ); // CCK holds the registry of available build modes, but can hardly // push them as options for the build mode options, so we break the normal // rule of not directly relying on non-core modules. if ($modes = module_invoke('content', 'build_modes')) { $build_mode_options = array(); foreach ($modes as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['views style']) && $value['views style']) { $build_mode_options[$key] = $value['title']; } } } else { $build_mode_options = array( 'teaser' => t('Teaser'), 'full' => t('Full node') ); } // Handle existing configurations with the deprecated 'teaser' option. // Also remove the teaser key from the form_state. if (isset($conf['teaser']) || !isset($conf['build_mode'])) { unset($form_state['conf']['teaser']); $conf['build_mode'] = $conf['teaser'] ? 'teaser' : 'full'; } $form['build_mode'] = array( '#title' => t('Build mode'), '#type' => 'select', '#description' => t('Select a build mode for this node.'), '#options' => $build_mode_options, '#default_value' => $conf['build_mode'], ); } /** * Validate the node selection. */ function ctools_node_content_type_edit_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { if ($form_state['op'] != 'add') { return; } $nid = $form_state['values']['nid']; $preg_matches = array(); $match = preg_match('/\[nid: (\d+)\]/', $nid, $preg_matches); if (!$match) { $match = preg_match('/^nid: (\d+)/', $nid, $preg_matches); } if ($match) { $nid = $preg_matches[1]; } if (is_numeric($nid)) { $node = db_fetch_object(db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.nid, n.status FROM {node} n WHERE n.nid = %d"), $nid)); } else { $node = db_fetch_object(db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT n.nid, n.status FROM {node} n WHERE LOWER(n.title) = LOWER('%s')"), $nid)); } if ($node) { $form_state['values']['nid'] = $node->nid; } if (!($node || preg_match('/^[@%]\d+$/', $nid)) || // Do not allow unpublished nodes to be selected by unprivileged users (empty($node->status) && !user_access('administer nodes'))) { form_error($form['nid'], t('Invalid node')); } } /** * Validate the node selection. */ function ctools_node_content_type_edit_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { foreach (array('nid', 'links', 'leave_node_title', 'link_node_title', 'identifier', 'build_mode') as $key) { $form_state['conf'][$key] = $form_state['values'][$key]; } } /** * Returns the administrative title for a node. */ function ctools_node_content_type_admin_title($subtype, $conf) { if (!is_numeric($conf['nid'])) { return t('Node loaded from @var', array('@var' => $conf['nid'])); } $node = node_load($conf['nid']); if ($node) { if (!empty($data->status) || user_access('administer nodes')) { return check_plain($node->title); } else { return t('Unpublished node @nid', array('@nid' => $conf['nid'])); } } else { return t('Deleted/missing node @nid', array('@nid' => $conf['nid'])); } } /** * Display the administrative information for a node pane. */ function ctools_node_content_type_admin_info($subtype, $conf) { // Just render the node. return ctools_node_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, array()); }