TRUE, 'title' => t('Node title'), 'icon' => 'icon_node.png', 'description' => t('The title of the referenced node.'), 'required context' => new ctools_context_required(t('Node'), 'node'), 'category' => t('Node'), 'defaults' => array( 'link' => TRUE, ), ); /** * Render the custom content type. */ function ctools_node_title_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args, $context) { if (empty($context) || empty($context->data)) { return; } // Get a shortcut to the node. $node = $context->data; // Load information about the node type. $type = node_get_types('type', $node->type); // Build the content type block. $block = new stdClass(); $block->module = 'node_title'; $block->title = $type->title_label; $block->content = !empty($conf['link']) ? l($node->title, 'node/'. $node->nid) : check_plain($node->title); $block->delta = $node->nid; return $block; } /** * Returns an edit form for custom type settings. */ function ctools_node_title_content_type_edit_form(&$form, &$form_state) { $conf = $form_state['conf']; $form['link'] = array( '#title' => t('Link to node'), '#type' => 'checkbox', '#default_value' => $conf['link'], '#description' => t('Check here to make the title link to the node.'), ); } /** * Submit handler for the custom type settings form. */ function ctools_node_title_content_type_edit_form_submit(&$form, &$form_state) { // Copy everything from our defaults. foreach (array_keys($form_state['plugin']['defaults']) as $key) { $form_state['conf'][$key] = $form_state['values'][$key]; } } /** * Returns the administrative title for a type. */ function ctools_node_title_content_type_admin_title($subtype, $conf, $context) { return t('"@s" title', array('@s' => $context->identifier)); }