// $Id: README.txt,v 1.6 2009/03/27 03:56:37 quicksketch Exp $ FileField provides an "File" field type to CCK. It provides many advantages over the Drupal core "Upload" module including: * Per-field upload control (file extensions, file size). * Per-node upload size limits. * Multiple fields per content type. * Customizable paths for saving uploads (plus token support for dynamic paths). * Icons for uploaded file types. FileField was written by Darrel Opry (dopry). Maintained by Nathan Haug (quicksketch) and Andrew Morton (drewish). Dependencies ------------ * Content FileField also provides additional features when used with the following: * ImageField (See an image preview during editing.) * Token (Generate dynamic paths when saving images.) * ImageCache (Create thumbnails of images on output.) If your site is any larger than a personal blog, you should definitely install the following modules to increase the security and stability of your uploads. * Transliteration (Convert unsafe characters to file system safe names.) * MimeDetect (Check the content of files to ensure they match the extension.) Install ------- 1) Copy the filefield folder to the modules folder in your installation. 2) Enable the module using Administer -> Site building -> Modules (/admin/build/modules). 3) Create a new file field in through CCK's interface. Visit Administer -> Content management -> Content types (admin/content/types), then click Manage fields on the type you want to add an file upload field. Select "File" as the field type and "File" as the widget type to create a new field. 4) Upload files on the node form for the type that you set up.