// $Id: UPGRADE.txt,v 1.2 2009/03/27 03:56:08 quicksketch Exp $ Upgrading from previous versions of FileField does not differ from the recommended approach for other modules. Upgrading from Drupal 5 ----------------------- 1) Your Drupal 5 installation must be running at least FileField 2.3 before migrating to Drupal 6. If your version of FileField is older than this, install the latest version of FileField for Drupal 5 on your Drupal 5 site and run update.php. This gets the database in a format that the Drupal 6 upgrade expects. 2) After ensure FileField 2.3 or higher is on your Drupal 5 site, upgrade your site normally to Drupal 6. Download the latest version of FileField for Drupal 6 and place it in your sites/all/modules directory. 3) Run update.php on your Drupal 6 site to upgrade FileField to the latest database schema. Upgrading from any previous Drupal 6 version -------------------------------------------- 1) Download the latest version of FileField and the filefield directory in sites/all/modules. 2) Visit update.php on your site and run the update. Running update.php ------------------ Never, never, ever expand the "Select versions" fieldset and manually change the update number. Drupal knows which version you are currently running and automatically selects the appropriate version. If you change this number, you risk running an update twice (if you select a lower number) or you'll skip updates entirely (if you select a higher number). The ability to change the update number was intended for developers. Due to the confusion caused by this fieldset, it has been removed entirely in Drupal 7 to prevent such accidental self-inflicted damage to user sites.