array( 'name' => 'Color Shift', 'description' => 'Adjust image colors.', ), 'imagecache_brightness' => array( 'name' => 'Brightness', 'description' => 'Adjust image brightness.', ), 'imagecache_inverse' => array( 'name' => t('Negative Image'), 'description' => t('Invert colors and brightness.') ), 'imagecache_convert' => array( 'name' => t('Change File format'), 'description' => t('Choose to save the image as a different filetype.') ), 'imagecache_alpha' => array( 'name' => t('Alpha Transparency'), 'description' => t('Adjust transparency.'), 'file' => '', ), ); return $actions; } function imagecache_coloractions_theme() { return array( 'imagecache_colorshift' => array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), ), 'imagecache_alpha' => array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), ), 'imagecache_brightness' => array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), ), 'imagecache_convert' => array( 'arguments' => array('element' => NULL), ), ); } /** * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * Settings for colorshift actions. * * @param $action array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function imagecache_colorshift_form($action) { $defaults = array( 'RGB' => array( 'HEX' => '#FF0000', ), ); $action = array_merge($defaults, (array)$action); $form = array('#theme' => 'imagecache_rgb_form'); $form['RGB'] = imagecache_rgb_form($action['RGB']); $form['note'] = array('#value' => t("

Note that colorshift is a mathematical filter that doesn't always have the expected result. To shift an image precisely TO a target color, desaturate (greyscale) it before colorizing. The hue (color wheel) is the direction the existing colors are shifted. The tone (inner box) is the amount. Keep the tone half-way up the left site of the color box for best results.

")); return $form; } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_imagecache_colorshift($element) { $action = $element['#value']; return theme_imagecacheactions_rgb($action['RGB']); } /** * Implementation of hook_image() * * Process the imagecache action on the passed image * * Just converts and passes the vals to the all-purpose 'filter' action */ function imagecache_colorshift_image(&$image, $data = array()) { // convert color from hex (as it is stored in the UI) if($data['RGB']['HEX'] && $deduced = hex_to_rgb($data['RGB']['HEX'])) { $data['RGB'] = array_merge($data['RGB'], $deduced); } $data['filter'] = 4; $data['filter_arg1'] = $data['RGB']['red']; $data['filter_arg2'] = $data['RGB']['green']; $data['filter_arg3'] = $data['RGB']['blue']; return imagecache_imagefilter($image, $data); } /** * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * Settings for colorshift actions. * * @param $action array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function imagecache_brightness_form($action) { $default = array('filter_arg1' => '100',); $action = array_merge($default, (array)$action); $form = array(); $form['help'] = array( '#value' => t("The brightness effect seldom looks good on its own, but can be useful to wash out an image before making it transparent - eg for a watermark.") ); $form['filter_arg1'] = array( '#type' => 'textfield', '#title' => t('Brightness'), '#description' => t('-255 - +255'), '#default_value' => $action['filter_arg1'], '#size' => 3 ); return $form; } /** * Implementation of hook_image() * * Process the imagecache action on the passed image */ function imagecache_brightness_image(&$image, $data = array()) { $data['filter'] = 2; return imagecache_imagefilter($image, $data); } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_imagecache_brightness($element) { return t("Adjust") ." : ". $element['#value']['filter_arg1']; } /** * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * No settings. * * @param $action array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function imagecache_inverse_form($action) { $form = array(); return $form; } /** * Implementation of hook_image() * * Process the imagecache action on the passed image */ function imagecache_inverse_image(&$image, $data = array()) { $data['filter'] = 0; return imagecache_imagefilter($image, $data); } /** * Stub for the image toolkit. * * Used by brightness and colorize * * TODO: other toolkits unimplimented yet. * Just forward the job to gdtoolkit for * now * * @param $image handle on the image definition, including a gd image resource * to act upon * @param $data settings for this process. * @return bool success */ function imagecache_imagefilter($image, $data) { if ($image->toolkit != 'imageapi_gd') { drupal_set_message("Imagefilter is only currently supported for GD toolkit. Code welcome.", 'error'); return FALSE; } if (! imagecache_gd_imagefilter($image, $data['filter'], $data['filter_arg1'], isset($data['filter_arg2']) ? $data['filter_arg2'] : NULL, isset($data['filter_arg3']) ? $data['filter_arg3'] : NULL)) { watchdog('imagecache', 'imagecache_imagefilter failed. image: %image, data: %data.', array('%path' => $image, '%data' => print_r($data, TRUE)), WATCHDOG_ERROR); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Attempt to run imagefilter, which may or may not be included with your * gdtoolkit. If it isn't, a local script is used to emulate the simpler of its * functions. */ function imagecache_gd_imagefilter($image, $filter, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3) { // some distros that allegedly include PHP5 GD2 are faulty. // thankyou if (!function_exists('imagefilter')) { include_once(''); } $info = $image->info; if (!$info) { return FALSE; } #dpm("run imagefilter imagefilter($image->resource, $filter, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3)"); imagesavealpha($image->resource, TRUE); # This is a bit silly really, php internals complain if it's given TOO MANY args! # Should refactor this and not be so lazy. if (!is_null($arg2) && !is_null($arg3)) { return imagefilter($image->resource, $filter, $arg1, $arg2, $arg3); } else if (!is_null($arg2) && is_null($arg3)) { return imagefilter($image->resource, $filter, $arg1, $arg2); } else if (is_null($arg2) && is_null($arg3)) { return imagefilter($image->resource, $filter, $arg1); } } /** * Implementation of imagecache_hook_form() * * @param $action array of settings for this action * @return a form definition */ function imagecache_convert_form($action) { $form = array( 'help' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t("If you've been using transparencies in the process, the result may get saved as a PNG (as the image was treated as a one in in-between processes). If this is not desired (file sizes may get too big) you should use this process to force a flatten action before saving. "), ), 'help2' => array( '#type' => 'markup', '#value' => t("For technical reasons, changing the file format within imagecache does not change the filename suffix. A png may be saved as a *.jpg or vice versa. This may confuse some browsers and image software, but most of them have no trouble. "), ), 'format' => array( '#title' => t("File format"), '#type' => 'select', '#default_value' => isset($action['format']) ? isset($action['format']) : 'image/png', '#options' => imagecache_file_formats(), ) ); return $form; } /** * Implementation of theme_hook() for imagecache_ui.module */ function theme_imagecache_convert($element) { $formats = imagecache_file_formats(); return t("Convert to") ." : ". $formats[$element['#value']['format']]; } /** * Implementation of hook_image() * * Process the imagecache action on the passed image */ function imagecache_convert_image(&$image, $data = array()) { $formats = imagecache_file_formats(); $image->info['mime_type'] = $data['format']; $image->info['extension'] = $formats[$data['format']]; return TRUE; } function imagecache_file_formats() { return array('image/jpeg' => 'jpg', 'image/gif' => 'gif', 'image/png' => 'png'); }