imce_user1_profile(), 2 => imce_sample_profile()); $index = 2; $role_profile = array(); //import user-1 settings if ($u1p = variable_get('imce_settings_user1', NULL)) { $profiles[1]['dimensions'] = $u1p['width'] .'x'. $u1p['height']; } //role settings $user_roles = user_roles(); //determine weights $weights = array(); $sort = variable_get('imce_settings_rank', array()); foreach ($sort as $i => $rid) { if (isset($user_roles[$rid])) { $weights[$rid] = $i-10; } } //import role settings. foreach (variable_get('imce_settings_roles', array()) as $rid => $set) { if (isset($user_roles[$rid])) { $dirs = $thumbs = array(); //directories $set['shared'] = $set['shared'] == '/' ? '.' : $set['shared']; $dirs = array(array($set['shared'] == '' ? $set['prefix'] .'%uid' : $set['shared'], $set['subnav'] && $set['subdirs'] == '', 1, $set['upload'], $set['twidth'] && $set['theight'], $set['delete'], $set['resize'])); //subdirectories if ($set['subnav'] && $set['subdirs'] != '') { foreach (explode(',', $set['subdirs']) as $subdir) { $subdir = trim($subdir); if ($subdir != '') { $dirs[] = array($dirs[0][0] .'/'. $subdir, 0, 1, $set['upload'], $dirs[0][4], $set['delete'], $set['resize']); } } } //thumbnails if ($set['twidth'] && $set['theight']) { $thumbs = array(array('Thumbnail-1', $set['twidth'] .'x'. $set['theight'], '', '')); } //extensions $ext = 'gif png jpg jpeg'; $ext .= $set['extensions'] ? ' '. str_replace(array(',', '.', ' '), array(' ', '', ' '), $set['extensions']) : ''; //file size - quota $fsize = $set['nolimit'] ? 0 : round($set['filesize']/1024, 1); $quota = $set['nolimit'] ? 0 : round($set['quota']/1024, 1); //create profile $profile_name = $user_roles[$rid]; $profiles[$index] = imce_construct_profile($profile_name, 1, $fsize, $quota, 0, $ext, $set['width'] .'x'. $set['height'], 1, $dirs, $thumbs); //assign the profile to the role. $role_profile[$rid] = array('pid' => $index, 'weight' => $weights[$rid]); $index++; } } //delete old variables variable_del('imce_settings_roles'); variable_del('imce_settings_user1'); variable_del('imce_settings_rank'); variable_del('imce_settings_tinymce'); variable_del('imce_settings_fck'); //set new variables variable_set('imce_profiles', $profiles); variable_set('imce_roles_profiles', $role_profile); return TRUE; } /** * Construct a profile based on arguments. */ function imce_construct_profile($n, $u, $f, $q, $tq, $e, $d, $fn, $ds, $ts) { $profile = array('name' => $n, 'usertab' => $u, 'filesize' => $f, 'quota' => $q, 'tuquota' => $tq, 'extensions' => $e, 'dimensions' => $d, 'filenum' => $fn, 'directories' => array(), 'thumbnails' => array()); foreach ($ds as $d) { $profile['directories'][] = array('name' => $d[0], 'subnav' => $d[1], 'browse' => $d[2], 'upload' => $d[3], 'thumb' => $d[4], 'delete' => $d[5], 'resize' => $d[6]); } foreach ($ts as $t) { $profile['thumbnails'][] = array('name' => $t[0], 'dimensions' => $t[1], 'prefix' => $t[2], 'suffix' => $t[3]); } return $profile; } /** * User1's profile. */ function imce_user1_profile() { $profiles = variable_get('imce_profiles', array()); if (isset($profiles[1])) { return $profiles[1]; } return imce_construct_profile('User-1', 1, 0, 0, 0, '*', '1200x1200', 0, array(array('.', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)), array(array('Small', '90x90', 'small_', ''), array('Medium', '120x120', 'medium_', ''), array('Large', '180x180', 'large_', ''))); } /** * Default profile. */ function imce_sample_profile() { return imce_construct_profile('Sample profile', 1, 1, 2, 0, 'gif png jpg jpeg', '800x600', 1, array(array('u%uid', 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0)), array(array('Thumb', '90x90', 'thumb_', ''))); }