t('Mini panels'), 'content type' => 'panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_content_type', ); } /** * Return each available mini panel available as a subtype. */ function panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_content_type($subtype_id, $plugin) { $mini = panels_mini_load($subtype_id); return _panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_content_type($mini); } /** * Return each available mini panel available as a subtype. */ function panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_content_types($plugin) { $types = array(); foreach (panels_mini_load_all() as $mini) { $type = _panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_content_type($mini); if ($type) { $types[$mini->name] = $type; } } return $types; } /** * Return an info array describing a single mini panel. */ function _panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_content_type($mini) { if (!empty($mini->disabled)) { return; } $title = filter_xss_admin($mini->admin_title); $type = array( 'title' => $title, // For now mini panels will just use the contrib block icon. 'icon' => 'icon_mini_panel.png', 'description' => $title, 'category' => !empty($mini->category) ? $mini->category : t('Mini panel'), ); if (!empty($mini->requiredcontexts)) { $type['required context'] = array(); foreach ($mini->requiredcontexts as $context) { $info = ctools_get_context($context['name']); // TODO: allow an optional setting $type['required context'][] = new ctools_context_required($context['identifier'], $info['context name']); } } return $type; } /** * Render a mini panel called from a panels display. */ function panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args, &$contexts) { static $viewing = array(); $mini = panels_mini_load($subtype); if (!$mini) { return FALSE; } if (!empty($viewing[$mini->name])) { return FALSE; } // Load up any contexts we might be using. $context = ctools_context_match_required_contexts($mini->requiredcontexts, $contexts); $mini->context = $mini->display->context = ctools_context_load_contexts($mini, FALSE, $context); if (empty($mini) || !empty($mini->disabled)) { return; } $viewing[$mini->name] = TRUE; $mini->display->args = $panel_args; $mini->display->css_id = panels_mini_get_id($subtype); $mini->display->owner = $mini; // unique ID of this mini. $mini->display->owner->id = $mini->name; $block = new stdClass(); $block->module = 'panels_mini'; $block->delta = $subtype; $block->content = panels_render_display($mini->display); $block->title = $mini->display->get_title(); unset($viewing[$mini->name]); return $block; } /** * Edit form for the mini panel content type. */ function panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_edit_form(&$form, &$form_state) { // Empty form to ensure we have the override title + context gadgets. } /** * Provide the administrative title of a mini panel. */ function panels_mini_panels_mini_content_type_admin_title($subtype, $conf) { $mini = panels_mini_load($subtype); if (!$mini) { return t('Deleted/missing mini panel @name', array('@name' => $subtype)); } $title = filter_xss_admin($mini->admin_title); if (empty($title)) { $title = t('Untitled mini panel'); } return $title; }