Introduction ------------ This tinyMCE plugin is designed to be used in conjunction with the Drupal CMS More details available at This plugin adds two buttons to the tinyMCE toolbar. One button inserts a visible tag into the editor. This effectively splits the teaser and body of a story in Drupal 4.6 or higher. The other button inserts a tag. This is made to be used with the paging module . Installation ------------ 1. Copy the drupalbreak directory to the plugins directory of TinyMCE (/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins). 2. Open up plugin_reg.php and add the following lines to end of that file: $plugins['drupalbreak'] = array(); $plugins['drupalbreak']['theme_advanced_buttons3'] = array('drupalbreak', 'drupalpagebreak'); 3. Then enable this plugin under Admin > Settings > TinyMCE, under the Buttons & Plugins section