array(), 'data' => array(), 'options' => array()); foreach (array_keys($debug['tokens']) as $token) { $debug['values'][$token] = token_replace_multiple($token, $debug['data'], TOKEN_PREFIX, TOKEN_SUFFIX, $debug['options']); } variable_set('token_page_tokens', $debug); } } /** * Implements hook_token_list(). */ function token_test_token_list($type = 'all') { $tokens = array(); if ($type == 'all' || $type == 'global') { // Provide some wildcard tokens $tokens['token_test']['alpha'] = t("Token test Alpha."); $tokens['token_test']['beta-N'] = t("Token test Beta with wildcard."); $tokens['token_test']['gamma_?'] = t("Token test Gamme with wildcard."); $tokens['token_test']['delta-?'] = t("Token test Delta with wildcard."); $tokens['token_test']['epsilon-zeta-????'] = t("Token test Epsilon-Zeta with wildcard."); } return $tokens; } /** * Implements hook_token_values(). */ function token_test_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) { $tokens = array(); if ($type == 'global') { // Provide some wildcard token values $tokens['alpha'] = 'Alpha'; $tokens['beta-1'] = 'Beta plus 1'; $tokens['beta-2'] = 'Beta plus 2'; $tokens['gamma_A'] = 'Gamma plus A'; $tokens['delta-extra'] = 'Delta plus extra'; $tokens['epsilon-zeta-A'] = 'Epsilon-Zeta plus A'; } return $tokens; }